Literary Library
Tibor Fischer
by Angela Beck
November 15, 1959 - British novelist and short story writerAuthor of "The Thought Gang", "Under the Fog" and "Good to Be God"
Sacheverell Sitwell
by Angela Beck
November 15, 1897 - October 1, 1988English writer, art critic and music criticAuthor of "Southern Baroque Art", "Romanian Journey" and "Great Hous...
Roger Joseph McGough
by Angela Beck
November 9, 1937 -English poet, broadcaster, playwright and children's book authorAuthor of "You Tell Me", "Sky in the Pie" and "Defying Gravity"
Sir Kazuo Ishiguro
by Angela Beck
November 8, 1954 - Japanese-born English novelist, screenwriter and short story writerAuthor of "The Remains of the Day", "When We Were Orphans" a...
Sarah Fielding
by Angela Beck
November 8, 1710 - April 9, 1768English novelistAuthor of "The Governess, or The Little Female Academy", "The Adventures of David Simple" and "The ...
Cedric Henning Belfrage
by Angela Beck
November 8, 1904 - June 21, 1990English film critic, journalist, writer and political activistAuthor of "Promised Land", "Seeds of Destruction: The...
Thomas Kyd
by Angela Beck
November 6, 1558 - August 15, 1594English playwrightAuthor of "The Spanish Tragedy", "Arden of Faversham" and "Edward III"
Colley Cibber
by Angela Beck
November 6, 1671 - December 11, 1757English actor, playwright and Poet LaureateAuthor of "Love Makes a Man, Or The Fop's Fortune", "The Careless H...