About Us
Slick Cat Books was started for one reason: The Love of Books! My name is Angela Beck and I wanted to share my lifelong love of books with others. Remember the feeling of going into old used bookstores? I don't think I have ever been able to pass one without going in and getting lost for a while! They are harder to find now, which is sad but we book lovers still have that need for the same nostalgic feeling.
I have been a book lover since I was little and still have most of my childhood books. Some of them are tattered and worn from years of being drug around and read over and over again but I don't think I could ever freely let them go. I would be crushed if I lost them! Memories of my parents reading to my sisters and I still brings me back to a very happy place.
Slick Cat Books is my Labor of Love! My favorite part of working in brick and mortar bookstores was being able to help customers find the items they were looking for and turning them on to new stories and authors. This is still my passion. I hope you enjoy the site as much as I have enjoyed creating it!