Literary Library

Fritjof Capra

February 1, 1939 - Austrian-born American physicist, author, systems theorist, deep ecologist and professorAuthor of "The Tao of Physics: An Explo...

John Menkes

December 20, 1928 - November 22, 2008Austrian-American pedriatric neurologist and author of novels and playsAuthor of "The Last Inquisitors", "Lady...

Paul Hofmann

November 20, 1912 - December 30, 2008Austrian-American author, journalist, linguist and political activistAuthor of "The Viennese", "The Seasons of...

Peter Drucker

November 19, 1909 - November 11, 2005 Austrian-American management consultant, educator and authorAuthor of "The Effective Executive", "Innovatio...