Literary Library
Joel T. Headley
by Angela Beck
December 30, 1814 - December 30, 1897American clergyman, historian, author, newspaper editor, adventurer and politicianAuthor of "Napolean and His...
Samuel Smiles
by Angela Beck
December 23, 1812 - April 16, 1904Scottish author, biographer, government reformer and newspaper editorAuthor of "Self-Help", "Lives of the Engine...
Joel Chandler Harris
by Angela Beck
December 9, 1848 - July 3, 1908American journalist, fiction writer, folklorist and newspaper editorAuthor of "Uncle Remus, His Songs and His Sayi...
Charles Finney
by Angela Beck
December 1, 1905 - April 16, 1984American news editor and fantasy novelistAuthor of "The Circus of Dr. Lao" (for which he won the first National Bo...
Ron Rosenbaum
by Angela Beck
November 27, 1946 - American literary journalist, literary critic, novelist and newspaper editorAuthor of "Explaining Hitler", "The Shakespeare War...