Literary Library

Scott Nearing

August 6, 1883 - August 24, 1983American economist, educator and writerAuthor of "The New Education", "The Making of a Radical" and "Civilization ...

Francois Fenelon

August 6, 1651 - January 7, 1715French archbishop, theologian and writerAuthor of "The Adventures of Telemachus", "The Existence of God" and "Inne...

Richard Henry Dana

August 1, 1815 - January 6, 1882American lawyer, politician and writerAuthor of "Two Years Before the Mast", "To Cuba and Back" and ""A Tribute to...

Amy Friedman

August 1, 1952 - American writer, editor, ghost writer and journalistAuthor of "Nothing Sacred: A Conversation With Feminism", "Women of Wonder (wi...

Maria Edgeworth

January 1, 1768 - May 22, 1849Anglo-Irish writer of adult and children's literatureAuthor of "Letters for Literary Ladies", "Belinda" and "The Abs...

Ismail al-Faruqi

January 1, 1921 - May 27, 1986Palestinian-American philosopher, professor and writerAuthor of "Christian Ethics", "Cultural Atlas of Islam" and "T...

Vaclav E. Benes

January 1, 1931 - Czech-American mathematician and writerAuthor of "General Stochastic Processes in the Theory of Queues" and "Mathematical Theory ...

Iris Bahr

January 1, 1977 - American-Israeli actress, comedian, director, writer, author and producerAuthor of "DAI: (enough): a play", "Dark Whore: My Trave...

Roy Sydney Porter

December 31, 1946 - March 3, 2002British historian, writer and lecturerAuthor of over 100 books including "English Society in the 18th Century", "M...

Ronnie Del Common

December 31, 1959 - Filipino animation writer, director, story artist and supervisor & production designerAuthor of "Paper Biscuit 2", "Three T...

Machi Tawara

December 31, 1962 - Japanese writer, translator, poet and teacherAuthor of "Salad Anniversary", "The Palm of the Wind's Heart" and "Chocolate Revo...

Junot Diaz

December 31, 1968 - Dominican-American writer, professor and fiction editorAuthor of "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao" (for which he won the ...