Literary Library

Reihan Salam

December 29, 1979 - Conservative American political commentator, columnist, author and editorAuthor of "Grand New Party: How Republicans Can Win t...

William E. Kaufman

December 28, 1932 - American conservative rabbi, philosopher, theologian and authorAuthor of "Contemporary Jewish Philosophies", "The Case for God"...

Sir Benjamin Disraeli

December 21, 1804 - April 19, 1881British-Jewish statesman, conservative politician and novelistServed as Prime Minister of England first in 1868 ...

William F. Buckley, Jr.

November 24, 1925 - February 27, 2008American public intellectual, conservative author and television commentatorAuthor of "God and Man at Yale", ...

Kenneth R. Timmerman

November 4, 1953 - American political and conservative activist and authorAuthor of "The Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq", "Preachers of Hate:...