Literary Library
Izaak Walton
by Angela Beck
August 9, 1593 - December 15, 1683English writerAuthor of "The Compleat Angler" and "Walton's Lives" #literarycalendar#birthdays#authorsbirthdays#s...
Piers Anthony
by Angela Beck
August 6, 1934 - English-American science fiction and fantasy writerAuthor of "A Spell for Chameleon", "The Source of Magic" and "On a Pale Horse"B...
Alfred Lord Tennyson
by Angela Beck
August 6, 1809 - October 6, 1892English poetAuthor of "Ulysses", "The Charge of the Light Brigade" and "Idylls of the King"Poet Laureate of Great ...
William Henry Hudson
by Angela Beck
August 4, 1841 - August 18, 1922Argentinian-born English novelist and naturalistAuthor of "Green Mansions", ""Afoot in England" and ""Far Away and...
Rupert Brooks
by Angela Beck
August 3, 1887 - April 23, 1915English poetBest known for his war sonnets written during World War I #literarycalendar#birthdays#authorsbirthdays#...
P. D. James
by Angela Beck
August 3, 1920 - November 27, 2014English mystery writerBest known for her Adam Dagliesh mystery series as well as "The Children of Men" and "Deat...
Ernest Dowson
by Angela Beck
August 2, 1867 - February 23, 1900English poet, novelist and short-story writerAuthor of "A Comedy of Masks", "The Pierrot of the Minute: A Phanta...
Carter Brown
by Angela Beck
August 1, 1923 - May 5, 1985English-born Australian writer of detective fictionAuthor of more than 300 detective stories including "The Bombshell"...
Maria Edgeworth
by Angela Beck
January 1, 1768 - May 22, 1849Anglo-Irish writer of adult and children's literatureAuthor of "Letters for Literary Ladies", "Belinda" and "The Abs...
Jean Ure
by Angela Beck
January 1, 1943 - English children's book authorHas published over 170 children's books including "Becky Bananas", "Shrinking Violet" and "Lemonade...
Arthur Hugh Clough
by Angela Beck
January 1, 1819 - November 13, 1861English poet, educator and assistant to Florence NightingaleAuthor of "Dipsychus" and "Amours De Voyage"
Edward Morgan Forster
by Angela Beck
January 1, 1879 - June 7, 1970English fiction writer, essayist and librettistAuthor of "A Room with a View", "Howard's End", "A Passage to India" ...
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