Literary Library
Frank Marshall Davis
by Angela Beck
December 31, 1905 - July 16, 1987African-American journalist, poet, political & labor movement activist, editor and businessmanAuthor of "Black...
Italo Svevo
by Angela Beck
December 19, 1861 - September 13, 1928Italian writer, businessman, novelist, playwright and short story writerAuthor of "Una Vita", "Senilita" and...
David Bruce Smith
by Angela Beck
December 16, 1958 - American author, editor, publisher and business executiveAuthor of "Conversations with Papa Charlie", "Afternoon Tea with Mom"...
Dave Ramsey
by Angela Beck
September 3, 1960 - American businessman and authorAuthor of "Financial Peace", "The Total Money Makeover" and "Smart Money Smart Kids"
James Arthur Ray
by Angela Beck
November 22, 1957 - American businessman, motivational speaker and writerAuthor of "The Science of Success", "Harmonic Wealth: The Secret of Attra...
L. L. Bean
by Angela Beck
November 13, 1872 - February 5, 1967American inventor, author, outdoor enthusiast and founder of the company L. L. BeanAuthor of "Hunting, Fishing...
Tom Peters
by Angela Beck
November 7, 1942 - American business management writerAuthor of "In Search of Excellence", "A Passion for Excellence" and "Liberation Management"