Literary Library
Wendell Berry
by Angela Beck
August 5, 1934 - American novelist, poet, essayist and environmental activistAuthor of "The Unsettling of America", "Jayber Crow" and "The Peace o...
William Henry Hudson
by Angela Beck
August 4, 1841 - August 18, 1922Argentinian-born English novelist and naturalistAuthor of "Green Mansions", ""Afoot in England" and ""Far Away and...
John Kieran
by Angela Beck
August 2, 1892 - December 9, 1981American author, journalist and amateur naturalistAuthor of "A Natural History of New York City", "Not Under Oath...
Janisse Ray
by Angela Beck
February 2, 1962 - American writer, naturalist, environmental activist and professorAuthor of "Ecology of a Cracker Childhood" (for which she won ...
Derrick Jensen
by Angela Beck
December 19, 1960 - American author and environmentalistAuthor of "A Language Other Than Words", "The Culture of Make Believe" and "Endgame"
Bill McKibben
by Angela Beck
December 8, 1960 - American environment, author, journalist and academicAuthor of "The End of Nature", "Oil and Honey: The Education of an Unlike...
Jackie French
by Angela Beck
November 28, 1953 - Australian author of children's and adult fiction as well as books on gardening, ecology and wildllifeAuthor of over 140 books...
Donna Haraway
by Angela Beck
September 6, 1944 - American professor and science writerAuthor of "A Cyborg Manifesto", "Prime Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of ...
Adolph Murie
by Angela Beck
September 6, 1899 - August 16, 1974American naturalist, author and wildlife biologistAuthor of "The Wolves of Mount McKinley", "A Naturalist of Al...
Jim Arnosky
by Angela Beck
September 1, 1946 - American children's book author and illustrator and naturalistAuthor of "Crinkleroot's Guide to Knowing the Birds", "Rabbits &a...
L. L. Bean
by Angela Beck
November 13, 1872 - February 5, 1967American inventor, author, outdoor enthusiast and founder of the company L. L. BeanAuthor of "Hunting, Fishing...
William Freudenburg
by Angela Beck
November 2, 1951 - December 28, 2010American environmental sociologist, social theorist and writerAuthor of "Oil in Troubled Waters: Perceptions, P...